- Does he/she love kids ... and how do you know?
- Does he/she (still) have a passion for teaching (and learning) ... and how do you know?
- Is he/she a great teammate ... and how do you know?
I used to ask a lot of questions to try and sound smarter than I was or to impress. Now after nearly 30 years in this business of education, I simply ask what matters to me as the instructional leader of the school, what would matter to me as a parent of a child in that classroom, what would matter to me as a member of their team, and what aligns with the mission/vision of our school.
As a former high school administrator, I know "content command" is relevant ... yet (in my experience) it still cannot overcome a lack of the aforementioned qualities.
As a former high school administrator, I know "content command" is relevant ... yet (in my experience) it still cannot overcome a lack of the aforementioned qualities.
A few weeks ago I read a quote (author unknown) that said to "hire character ... train skill", and that almost perfectly sums up my aged philosophy. Love, passion, and teamwork are attributes that someone either has or not. All the other "stuff" we often discuss or desire can be taught or professionally developed by skilled leadership teams or strategic mentors.
Think of the best teachers in your school ... or the ones you want to teach your children! I bet they warrant answers in the affirmative to the questions above. So remember ... keep it simple and focused with the next reference call you make!